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Toys and games 1

1. Mr Robotnik is the enemy of which video game character?

Sonic the Hedgehog

2. How is snakes and ladders known in the US?

Chutes and ladders

3. What is the name of the 1980’s game which had four coloured buttons, which lit up in random order, each producing it’s own tune when pressed?


4. What category of questions is yellow in trivial pursuit?


5. Which children's board game features characters named Henry, Homer, Harry and Lizzie?

Hungry Hippo

6. What colour is The Old Kent Road on a Monopoly board?


7. What is the name of the board game which has a treasure island at its centre, surrounded by treasure such as diamonds and pearls?


8. In which board game do players use a doubling cube with the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 on it?


9. Sleeping and looping are techniques used with which toy?


10. The slinky was invented by engineer Richard James in which decade?


Toys and games 2

1. In the board game ‘Operation’, which part of ‘Cavity Sam’s’ body lights up if the player touches the metal edge with the tweezers while removing a body part?


2. The Castle is another name for which chess piece?


3. Tiffi, Easter Bunny, Bubblegum Troll, Mr Toffee, and The Dragon who bathes at the Lemonade Lake are characters in what?

Candy Crush

4. What colour are the double word score tiles on a scrabble board?


5. What is the letter G worth in Scrabble?


6. Which country does Lego come from?


7. What is the name of the murder victim in Cluedo?

Dr Black

8. Which line of dolls, created by American art student Xavier Roberts in 1978, was originally called ‘Little People’?

Cabbage patch dolls

9. Which video game character was originally called Jumpman?


10. Which executive toy demonstrates conservation of momentum and energy via a series of swinging spheres?

Newton's cradle

Toys and games 3

I1. In the board game of Risk, what continent does the colour blue represent?


2. The Super Mario brothers often ride which sticky tongued dragon like dinosaur?


3. Edward Hoyle is best known for his writing about the rules of which type of games?

Card games

4. Risk, Monopoly and Cluedo are all board games that were first introduced in the UK by which board games company?


5. What childrens modelling product did William Harbutt devise and produce in 1900, in an old flour mill near Bath?


6. In which decade was the original Space invaders first published?

1970’s (1978)

7. Which geometric drawing toy was developed by Denys Fisher in the 1960’s?


8. In Monopoly, what colour are Bow street, Marlborough street and Vine street?


9. The Minecraft game was originally developed and published in which country?   


10. Spillikins are the name of the pegs used to score which game?


Toys and games 4

1. What animal is in the Australian version of Monopoly but is not in the UK version?


2. Walter Morrison invented the Pluto Platter in 1948. How do we better know it?


3. Which video game has games subtitled “Black Ops” and “Ghosts”?

Call of duty

4. Broken Heart, Charley Horse, Wish Bone and Brain Freeze are all parts of which board game?


5. Which racing game was invented by Fred Francis in the 1950’s?


6. Queen's Indian, French, and Sicilian Dragon are all famous examples of what?

Chess openings

7. Which company makes the Candy crush and Bubble witch games amongst others?


8. Which character begins play in a standard game of Cluedo?

Miss Scarlet

9. In Scrabble what point value is a letter K tile?


10. What is the name of the princess whom Mario repeatedly stops Bowser from kidnapping in the Super Mario games series?

Princess Peach

Toys and games 5

1. In June 1991, the first Sonic the Hedgehog game was published by which video game company?


2. In which decade was the first manufactured skateboard introduced?


3. The move called 'en passant' features in what board game?


4. In the smartphone game “Angry birds”, who, or what, are the birds angry at?


5. What is the highest selling board game of all time?


6. Jake the Jailbird is a character in which board game?


7. What is the American equivalent term for the game ‘noughts and crosses’?

Tic tac toe

8. Which playground game is sometimes called ‘Fivestones’, ‘Knucklebones’ or ‘Snobs’? 


9. Which classic board game originating in Ancient India is based on the Hindu belief of attaining Nirvana?

Snakes and ladders

10. What is the English meaning of Lego?

Play well

Toys and games 6

1. Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde are characters in which arcade game, first released in 1980?


2. What is the name (beginning with P) given to the French form of bowls where the aim is to throw metal balls as close as possible to a jack?


3. Which video game features an interstellar war with humans fighting against the covenant?


4. The board game Pachisi originated in which country?


5. What is the main activity in the traditional 'Post-Office' party game?


6. Which sport did the North American Indian game Baggataway inspire?


7. Which video game company published the Pokemon games franchise?


8. Which company released the original Donkey Kong game in 1981?


9. What children’s toy started out as a wallpaper cleaner? 

Play Doh

10. What does a dissctologist enjoy doing to pass the time?


Toys and games 7

1. Which 2 toy characters are the only “married” couple in Toy Story?

Mr and Mrs Potato Head

2. What street name is first alphabetically on the standard Monopoly board?

Bond Street

3. What street name is last alphabetically on the standard Monopoly board


4. In Italian Scrabble, 4 letters are missing – name any one of them?

K,W,X and Y

5. Which board game played on board 8 by 8 squares is named after a Shakespeare play?


6. Which game was advertised as “the game that ties you up in knots”?


7. How many dice are used in a standard game of ‘Craps’?


8. In which game that was released in the 60's do you have to remove straws without dropping the marbles?


9. Yasmin, Cloe, Jade, and Sasha are fashioned dolls first released in 2001 and collectively known as what?


10. Which company makes the Xbox?


Toys and games 8

1. How many ghosts chase Pac-Man at the start of each game?


2. The expression Back to Square One is believed to come from which board game?

Snakes and ladders

3. What was the brand name for the miniature die-cast vehicles produced by Meccano?

Dinky toys

4. What was Nintend's first handheld games console?


5. Which strategy board game is played on a board divided into forty-two territories on six continents?


6. Which traditional toy was invented by Germany's Max Pohlig and Ernst Gottschall and was named after them?

Pogo stick

7. Which action figure's most notable feature was that it could be stretched from its original size to nearly five feet?

Stretch Armstrong

8. In which decade did Ernő Rubik invent the Rubik’s cube?

1970's (1974)

9. In a standard set of playing cards which is the only king without a moustache?

The king of hearts

10. What is the only street in Monopoly that costs the same as a station does?

Vine Street (£200)

Toys and games 9

1. In the game Cluedo, which room can be accessed via the secret passageway from the Study?


2. Which sand-box video game released in 2011 is the highest selling game in the world by far?


3. If you were `Doing Leap Frog` or `Walking The Dog` what would you be using?

A yo-yo

4. The name of which game is Swahili for build?


5. How many ships does each player have in a game of battleships?


6. The toy Escalado features which sport?

Horse racing

7, In which video and arcade game would you find the characters Ryu, Akuma and M. Bison

Street fighter

8. What is the biggest claim to fame of George and Margaret Roberts from Willows, Wisconsin?

They are Barbie's parents!

9. In terms of play and games, the map of the world, the Eiffel tower and the Titanic are the biggest what?

Lego sets

10. What colour is a fifty ‘pounds’ Monopoly bank note?


Toys and games 10

1. Hinkspiel' is a German variation of which popular children's game?


2. First released in Japan in 1996 and to the rest of the world in 1997, which virtual pet quickly became one of the biggest toy fads ever?


3. What type of gun was the biggest selling toy of 2012?

Nerf gun

4. Angel Islington, Euston Road and Pentonville Road are which colour on the monopoly board?


5. The strategy boardgame Go originated in which country?


6. In which direction can a Bishop move in a game of chess?


7. Spartan Assault and Spartan strike are spin offs of which games series? 


8. In 2017 Mattel launched fifteen new versions of which companion character including 'corn rows' and 'man bun'?

Ken (Barbie's boyfriend)

9. Which children’s toy invented in the 60’s was known as a “sit & bounce” in the USA?

Space hopper

10. Crayola added Macaroni and cheese to its crayon box in 1993, what colour is this crayon?


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