1. In the Bible, what was the name of the son of Abraham and Sarah that God ordered to be sacrificed as a test of Abraham's faith?
2. According to the Bible, which fruit was Moses told by God must be worn on the hem of the robes for ministering service?
3. Only two books of the Old Testament are named after women. Name them.
Esther and Ruth
4. In the book of Exodus, God promises to bring the Israelites to a land flowing with which 2 things?
Milk and honey
5. In which book of the Old Testament is the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours featured?
6. According to the bible, on which day did God make man?
7. In the bible, where did the arrest of Jesus take place?
In the Garden of Gethsemane.
8. Which book of the Bible tells the story of the escape of the Israelites and the parting of the red sea?
9. n the Bible, who said to God, “Am I my brother's keeper”?
10. Other than Psalms, which other book of the Old Testament begins with the letter ‘P’?
1. In the Bible, (Genesis 38:9), what did Onan spill on the ground, causing God to slay him for being evil?
His semen
2. What is the last book of the Old Testament of The Bible?
3. According to the bible, what flowers sprung from where Mary’s tears fell on seeing Jesus on the cross?
4. Whose dance of the seven veils led to the death of John the Baptist?
5. According to the Bible, whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt as soon as she looked back at Sodom?
6. The 'Acts' book of the Bible is fully titled 'Acts of The (What?)'?
7. In the Bible, which cities walls fell after the Israelite army marched around the city blowing trumpets?
8. What is the second book of the bible?
9. According to the Bible, Eve had another child after Cain and Abel, what was he called?
10. Thou shall not steal’ is which number in the list of the Ten Commandments?
Christianity 1
1. Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made their glowing colours, He made their tiny wings' are words from which hymn?
All Things Bright And Beautiful
2. On which mountain were the 10 commandments given to Moses?
Mount Sinai
3. In the old testament which book directly follows psalms?
4. Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury was the bishop of where before his appointment?
5. Where in the Vatican does a conclave of cardinals sit to elect a new pope?
Sistine Chapel
6. In the Roman Catholic religion, what name is given to the recital of the Lords Prayer as an act of devotion?
7. According to the Bible, what did God create on the fourth day of creation?
Sun, moon and stars
8. What is the name of a Bishop’s headdress?
A Mitre
9 Which religious group is associated with the placing of bibles in hotels?
10. Victor Mature and Hedy Lamarr played the title roles in which 1949 Biblical film?
Samson and Delilah
Christianity 2
1. What ancient Biblical race gives its name to a person called who is unappreciative of the arts?
2. What is each section of ten beads on a rosary called?
3. Traditionally, what part of the church does a bride walk down to get to the altar at the front?
The Nave (the aisles are at the sides)
4. The Christian St Christopher is usually shown carrying what across a river?
5. What is the correct name of the cushion used for praying in a church?
6. In the Bible, who killed 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey?
7. In Genesis, which 2 cities were destroyed by fire and Brimstone?
Sodom and Gomorrah
8. Agnus Dei is a figure of which creature as an emblem of Christ?
9. What is the 7th commandment?
Do not commit adultery
10. What is staurophobia the fear of?
The Cross
World Religion 1
1. The teaching of what religious idea was banned in UK schools in 2014?
2. Who was the daughter of the prophet Muhammad?
3. Which type of tree was Buddha said to be sitting under when he achieved enlightenment?
A fig tree
4. What J is the Rastafarian name for god?
5. What popular religious celebration takes its name from the Sanskrit for 'row of lamps'?
6. The Golden Temple of Amritsar is a holy shrine in which religion?
7. Which religion calls outsiders “The English”?
8. Which Hindu god had the head of an elephant?
9. The Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are important concepts in which religion?
10. Shiva is a traditional period of mourning in which religious faith?
World Religion 2
1. Who is the head of the Church of England?
The reigning monarch
2. Which flower represents purity in Buddhism?
3. Zen is a form of what religion?
4. What is the Jewish “Matzo” a type of?
Unleavened Bread
5. What is the most widely practised religion in Japan, practised by about 51% of the population?
6. Brahma is one of the 3 chief deities of Hinduism – Name 1 of the other 2.
Shiva and Vishnu
7. Coptic refers to a sect of what religious order?
8. The Adi Granth is a primary source of scripture in which religion?
9. Sufferers, locks men and dreads follow which religion?
10.In which city is the headquarters of the Mormons (or Church of Jesus Christ of the latter day Saints)?
Salt lake city
World Religion 3
1. What religion is the Dalai Lama?
2. George Fox formed which religion in the mid 1700’s?
3. In the Bible, the Decalogue is better known as what?
The ten commandments
4. Joseph Smith started which religion?
Mormonism/ Church of the latter day Saints
5. Which religion used a domed structure called a Stupa as a shrine?
6. Which African country is considered the spiritual home of Rastafarianism?
7. The governing body of the Church of England is known by what name?
General Synod
8. Rosh Hashanah is the New Year celebration in which religion?
9. Matzo Kugel and Gefilte Fish are traditionally eaten at which religious festival?
10. In the Catholic church, what is the stage before full sainthood?
World Religion 4
1. Passages from which religion are used to decorate the Taj Mahal?
2. A Kingdom Hall is a place of worship used by what religion?
Jehovah's Witnesses
3. Which Christian festival celebrates the coming of the Magi?
4. What is the name of the central reference for instruction in Judaism?
5. Assisi, birthplace of St Francis, founder of the Catholic Franciscan Order, is in which country?
6. Which religion was founded in the Punjab in the 16th Century by Guru Nanak?
7. Which London palace is the official residence of the archbishop of Canterbury?
Lambeth Palace
8. In Judaism, shiva/shivah is a period of mourning after a funeral lasting how many days?
9. Which religion was created by the sci-fi writer L Ron Hubbard?
10. In the Bible, who was the father of Shem, Ham and Japeth?
World Religion 5
1. Which book of the Bible is a collection of 150 songs and poems?
2. How many Horsemen of the Apocalypse feature in the Bible's Book of Revelation?
3. Minyan is a quorum of ten adult males required for public worship in which religion?
4. What is the name of the evening meal with which Muslims end their daily Ramadan fast at sunset?
Iftar (or fatoor)
5. Conventionally how many books are in the Bible's New Testament? Multiple choice. A.27 B.29 C.30
6. A crozier is what ceremonial insignia of a bishop or high-ranking catholic member of the clergy?
7. Buddha was born in Lumbini which is in which modern country?
8. What was the native American religious movement that thought that dance would bring together the living and the dead and create peace?
Ghost dance
9. The core rules of the Muslim faith are known as the "... (how many) Pillars of Islam"?
10. Which mountain in modern-day Turkey did Noah's ark supposedly make land on?
Mt. Ararat