Human body 1
1. The sclera is part of what organ in the body?
2. In humans, the atlas and axis bones are found in which part of the body?
The neck
3. What is the biggest organ of the human body?
The skin
4. What is the name of the large muscle at the front of the thigh which acts to extend the leg?
5. Leukocytes are better known as what kind of blood cells?
White blood cells
6. Which part of the brain controls body temperature, hunger, thirst and sleep?
The hypothalamus
7. Where are the metatarsal bones found?
The foot
8. What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs called?
9. What is the curved transparent membrane, about 12 millimetres in diameter that covers the front part of the human eye?
10. What is the 'fight-or-flight' hormone secreted by the adrenal glands along with adrenaline?
Human body 2
1. What name is given to a protein that increases the rates of chemical reactions in the body?
2. What is the medical name for the flap of skin which prevents food from entering the wind pipe?
3. Which facial feature stays the same size from birth to adulthood?
4. The thorax is what part of the body?
The chest
5. What is the largest interior organ in the human body?
6. Which organ is also the largest gland in the human body?
7. What name is given to a person with a congenital lack of pigment in their skin?
8. What is the longest bone in the human body?
9. What is the name of the cells in blood that lead to the formation of blood clots?
10. What does the lachrymal sac hold?
Human body 3
1. In humans, the two lower chambers of the heart are called what?
2. Which sense depends on the gustatory nerve?
3. On the human body, a keloid is a type of what?
4. In the human body, the pollex is which part of the hand?
5. What is the name given to the light sensitive tissue that lines the inner surface of the eye?
6. What in the human body has types known as true, false and floating?
7. What is the medical name for the voice box?
8. In which part of the body is the Hyoid bone the only one that isn’t connected to any other bones?
The Throat
9. What is the longest bone in the human arm?
10. Where in the body would you find rods and cones?
The eye
Human body 4
1. What external human feature is commonly described as having three parts: cuticle, cortex and medulla?
2. Which parts of the body are protected by myelin sheaths?
3. What is the more common name for synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF)?
4. Which blood group is the most common in the UK?
O (positive)
5. In human anatomy, where are the metacarpals?
6. Where on the human body would you find a Hallux. We have 2 of them usually?
On the foot (it’s a big toe)
7. What is the name of the white part of the eye?
8. In the body, what sort of substances are adrenaline, cortisone, insulin?
9. In which part of the body would you find the pyloric sphincter?
10. What is the medical procedure called where an anaesthetic is injected close to the spinal cord?
Human body 5
1. Where exactly are the red blood cells created in the human body?
The bone marrow
2. People suffering from gout have a high level of which acid in the blood?
3. On what part of a baby would you find the Fontanelle?
The head
4. Collagen, elastin and keratin are what?
5. Where in the human body would you find Osteoblasts and osteoclasts?
The bones
6. In humans, edentulism is the complete loss of what?
7. Where in the human body would you find the alveoli?
8. In the human body, which vitamin helps the blood to clot?
9. What tiny facial muscle is the fastest moving muscle in the human body?
The eyelid
10. William Harvey discovered what "system" of the human body?
Human body 6
1. Which hormone controls blood sugar?
2. Melanin is the substance that gives skin and hair what?
Its colour/pigment
3. What do you call a birth where a baby's feet are delivered first?
4. What are the two bones in your forearm called?
Radius and Ulna
5. What is the name of the major artery at the side of the neck?
6. In the human body, what is the Tympanum better known as?
Ear drum
7. Which sex hormone is responsible for the development of typical male physical characteristics?
8. What bodily function can reach over 200 mph?
9. On which part of the body are there loops, whorls, and arches?
Finger prints (fingers)
10. What triangular bone at the base of the human spine is named from the Latin idea that the soul lives in it?
Sacrum (sacred bone)
Human body 7
1. What part of the human body has a crown, neck, cement, and pulp cavity?
2. The hormones secreted from which gland control your metabolism?
3. What substance are fingernails made of?
4. What is the correct name for the Kneecap?
5. Where can you find the Gluteus Maximus?
The buttocks
6. Where on the body would you find the line of mars and the girdle of Venus?
Palm of the hand
7. A bone is joined to a muscle by what structure?
8. What appears when the Sun activates your Melanocytes?
9. What is the name of the chief muscle used in breathing, which separates the chest from the abdomen?
10. What is the medical name given to the thigh bone?
Human body 8
1. The often removed Palatine Glands are more commonly known as what?
2. What is the technical name for the shoulder blade?
3. What is the name given to the green alkaline fluid produced by the liver?
4. The tube connecting the kidney to the bladder is called what?
5. The tendon at the top of the human heel is called what?
Achilles tendon.
6. Which disease is transmitted by a tick bite?
Lyme disease
7. What human organs are affected by glaucoma?
8. Which tiny gland found in the centre of the skull releases hormones that affect growth and metabolism?
9. What is the name of the walnut sized gland found only in men which often becomes a source of cancer?
10. Periodontal disease affects which part of the body?
The mouth/teeth
Human body 9
1. The smallest bones in the human body are the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup, but where are they found?
The ear
2. What name is given to the 'soft spot' on a newly born baby's head?
3. What is the name given to the final bottom segment of the spine which is also known as the tailbone??
4. Trachoma is an infectious disease affecting which part of the body?
5. What's the alternative name for the breastbone?
6. In anatomy, what name is given to a wall, dividing a cavity or structure into smaller ones?
7. Glossectomy is the removal of all of or part of which body part?
The tongue
8. What part of the human body is the Mandible?
Jaw bone
9. Heterochromia results in which unusual eye characteristic?
They are different colours
10. In which part of your body would you find the cruciate ligament?
The Knee